Bye Bye Blemish Original Drying Lotion

22,750 IQD

Pores and cleanses impurities, creating the appearance of brighter and smoother skin.

Features and benefits:

  • INSTANT ACNE TREATMENT: Goodbye Acne Drying Lotion is a fast-acting acne treatment that reduces the severity and size of pimples overnight while you sleep! It reduces the risk of acne scars and keeps the skin smooth and flawless!
  • ENRICHED IN SALICYLIC ACID AND ZINC OXIDE: This acne wash contains active ingredients that help exfoliate dead skin cells, allowing natural drying agents to sink deep into pores to treat and soothe skin.
  • SAFE FOR SENSITIVE SKIN: Your skin hero that helps fight acne by unclogging pores and soothing skin inflammation, redness and irritation. Suitable for those who have sensitive and acne-prone skin. Wake up to clearer, pimple-free skin every time!
  • EASY TO USE, FAST ACTING FORMULA: Quickly and effectively eliminates annoying pimples overnight! To use, simply wash your face well, use a cotton swab to apply a little solution to each pimple, and leave it overnight.
  • CRUELTY FREE: This fast-acting acne remover has a botanical scent and is safe for everyone to use. 100% cruelty free, never tested on animals.
How To Use

لا تهزه. اغمس قطعة القطن المعقمة في الرواسب الوردية. يوضع مباشرة
على العيوب المعزولة.


كحول الأيزوبروبيل، الماء (أكوا)، أكسيد الزنك، حمض الساليسيليك،
الكافور، سيليكات الألومنيوم المغنيسيوم، أكاسيد الحديد (C177491)، الكبريت