CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser for Normal to Oily Skin, Fragrance Free

31,000 IQD
Vendor: CeraVe

A foaming gel cleanser for normal to oily skin

The foaming gel face wash is ideal for removing excess oil, dirt and makeup. When choosing a facial cleanser for normal to oily skin, it's important to look for a formula that's gentle, won't disrupt your skin's natural protective barrier (which can leave skin feeling dry or tight), and contains ingredients that help maintain its moisture balance. 

When choosing a face wash for normal to oily skin, it's essential to look for a formula that cleanses deeply, without disturbing your skin's natural moisture barrier. 

CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser contains ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide, and is formulated to help maintain your skin's protective barrier, lock in moisture, and soothe your complexion. Developed by dermatologists. 

Suitable for normal to oily skin

  • It cleanses and removes oil without disturbing the skin barrier The unique formula, which contains three essential ceramides, locks in moisture and helps maintain skin's natural protective barrier
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Helps retain your skin's natural moisture
  • Niacinamide: Helps calm your skin Gentle, and fragrance-free
  • Developed with dermatologists

How is it used?

  • Wet the skin with lukewarm water
  • Massage the foaming facial cleanser into your skin with gentle, circular motions
  • Rinse well and pat dry
How To Use
  1. بللي الجلد بالماء الفاتر
  2. دلكي منظف الوجه الرغوي على بشرتك بحركات دائرية لطيفة
  3. شطفي جيدا واتركيها حتى تجف

ماء ، كوكاميدوبروبيل هيدروكسيولتاين ، جليسرين ، صوديوم لورويل ساركوسينات ، خماسي أريثريتيل ، نياكيناميد ، كابريليك / جليسريد الصوديوم ، ميثيل الصوديوم. لاكتيلات الصوديوم ، الكوليستيرول ، ديسوديوم إدتا ، بروبيل بارابين ، حمض الستريك ، تيتراسوديوم إدتا ، حمض الهيالورونيك المائي ، صمغ الزانثان.