Bio Balance Hand & Nail Balm 60ml

9,000 IQD
Vendor: BioBalance

Extra Whitening

For very dry, cracked hands.

Envelops the skin to create a barrier between the skin's surface and the outside elements. This "barrier" locks in moisture and protects hands from environmental impurities and damage from harsh environments. 

Moisturizes Organic Argan Oil is extremely rich in beneficial nutrients including fatty acids and Vitamin E and is excellent for repairing damaged skin and providing it with nutrients that prevent further dryness and irritation. Panthenol and glycerin intensely moisturize the skin and strengthen its natural barrier Allantoin reduces transepidermal water loss and increases the skin's ability to retain moisture.

Anti-wrinkle and whitening Niacinamide reduces the appearance of dark spots and wrinkles UV protection

Provides UV protection against the formation of sun-induced dark spots, age spots, wrinkles and lines.

Strengthens Makes nails stronger and more resilient with shea butter

How is it used?

Apply two to three times a day as needed.

How To Use

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نياسيناميد ، سيرا ألبا ، مستخلص كينتيللا أسياتيكا ، أرغانيا سبينوزا ، زيت النواة ، زبدة الشيا ، فيتامين C ، مستخلص جذور العرقسوس غلابرا ، بروتين الذرة المتحلل ، بروتين القمح المتحلل ، فول الصويا المتحلل ، البروتين ، مستخلص أوراق فيتيس فينيفيرا إكستكتينال ، روزمارين مستخلص فاكهة البابايا ، مستخلص راتنج بوسويليا سيراتا ، بانثينول ، فيتامين هـ ، ألانتوي.