Bio-Oil Natural Skin Care Oil 200ml

40,750 IQD
Vendor: Bio-Oil

Bio-Oil Natural Skincare Oil is an all-natural product that has been shown to help improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Its unique formula is highly effective for uneven skin tone, aging and dryness. The composition is 100% natural. It is recommended for use in the treatment of:Scars: Bio-Oil is formulated to help improve the appearance of scars, but it does not remove them completelyStretch marks: The possibility of developing stretch marks varies according to skin type, race, age, diet and skin hydration. The most susceptible to getting stretch marks are pregnant women, bodybuilders, adolescents who experience sudden growth, and individuals who gain weight rapidly. Stretch marks are permanent in nature, Bio-Oil is formulated to help improve the appearance of them, but it does not eliminate them completely.

Uneven skin color: It occurs due to external causes, such as excessive exposure to the sun or the use of poor-quality skin-lightening products, or internal causes such as hormonal fluctuations related to pregnancy, menopause or the use of contraceptives. Bio-Oil helps improve the appearance of uneven skin tone. Aging skin: Bio-Oil contains several ingredients that help soften the skin, making it softer, smoother and more supple, thus improving the appearance of wrinkles. Bio-Oil also moisturizes, which improves the texture and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Dry skin: Daily showering may exacerbate this by stripping the lipid layer out as a result of the astringent substances found in soap and water. Bio-Oil provides the skin with a layer of natural oils that help restore the functions of these barriers to maintain hydration

How To Use

يجب ان يدلّك بيو اويل بحركات دائرية على الندبة مرتان يوميا ، على الاقل لمدة ثلاثة اشهر.


زيت الصويا ، زيت بذور دوار الشمس ، زيت بذور الجوجوبا ، زيت بذور الشيا ، بذور الرمان زيت ، زيت بذور الإنكا ، زيت القمح ، زيت ثمر الورد (زيت فاكهة روزا كانينا) ، زيت آذريون (مستخلص آذريون) ، زيت اللافندر ، زيت إكليل الجبل ، زيت البابونج (زيت زهرة أنتيميس نوبيليس) ، زيت الباتشولي (زيت أوراق الكابلين بوجوستيمون) ، بيسابولول ، توكوفيرول.