Pupa Milano Prime Me Lips

32,250 IQD 16,125 IQD SAVE 50%
Vendor: Pupa Milano

It increases the stability of lipstick and gloss and prevents them from escaping from the contour of the lips. emphasizes the color of the make-up and facilitates its application; Once applied, it gives the lips a fuller look and a more defined contour.

Light and flexible, it envelops the lips in a thin and comfortable film.

Checked by dermatologists

Made in italy

Close it well after use

How To Use

ضعي طبقة رقيقة من المنتج على شفتيك وانتظري بضع ثوانٍ قبل وضع أحمر الشفاه واللمعان وقلم الشفاه.