SVR Topiales Dry Skin Cleansing Gel Wash

34,500 IQD
Vendor: SVR

It is a gentle and protective cleansing gel, ideal for the daily hygiene of sensitive and dry skin, for the face and body. Its formula contains an anti-drying, soap-free, physiological pH, gentle cleanser base that helps reduce the itchy sensation for lastingly softer and more comfortable skin.Rich in omega 3,6,9, its formula is soothing. This cleansing gel is also suitable for the scalp of infants, and it does not hurt the eyes.Dermatologically, ophthalmologically and pediatrically tested. Hypoallergenic.made in France.Usage: Apply to the face or body, lather and rinse.Indication: daily hygiene of sensitive and dry skin. face and body.

How To Use

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