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Revuele Gel wash with salicylic acid 200ml
Removes impurities from the skin pores Reduces pore size Prevents blemishes from appearing. Thanks to the active ingredients, the skin becomes matte and smooth, without an oily sheen. How to...
Revuele Foaming Face Wash With Salicylic Acid 150ml
The bioactive complex effectively helps fight skin imperfections such as blackheads, pimples, and general signs of irritation. Herbal supplements help clear the skin. Salicylic acid evens skin tone and effectively...
Revuele Spot Treatment Gel With Salicylic Acid 25ml
The bioactive complex effectively helps fight skin imperfections such as blackheads, pimples, and general signs of irritation. Herbal supplements cleanse the skin, remove blemishes and prevent further breakouts. Use it...
Revuele Gel Wash with Tea Tree Oil
The bioactive complex effectively targets skin imperfections such as blackheads, pimples, and general signs of irritation. The herbal supplements present in the face wash gel effectively cleanse the skin, help...
Revuele Peeling Serum with ascorbic acid
Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is known for its antioxidant properties, but its anti-aging benefits don't stop there. It is also a natural exfoliator that gently removes old skin cells while...
Revuele Peeling Solution For Dry and Mature Skin
Regenine is a blend of natural extracts and mild alpha hydroxy acids, to gently exfoliate skin without being too harsh on the skin as well as providing nourishment to it....
Revuele Keratin Ampoules and Hair Tonic
This product is designed to help your thin and damaged hair recover. This revitalizing serum will strengthen your hair and increase its elasticity. Prevents hair breakage by providing needed nutrients,...
Revuele Conditioner With Keratin 200ml
REVUELE KERATIN + Hair Conditioner - Product Specifications Revuele hair conditioner, enriched with keratin, is ideal for dry, thin, dehydrated hair, with split ends, giving it softness and shine. Biotin...
Revuele Ampoules Effective Repair for Damaged Hair
Repairs, restores, and strengthens weak, damaged, and brittle hair to restore a healthy appearance while promoting natural hair growth. PERFECT FOR ALL HAIR TYPES This hair ampoule treatment is suitable...
ريفويل غسول الوجه المضاد للشوائب بالسيراميد 250 مل
منظف الوجه المضاد للشوائب سيراميد من ريفويل هو غسول يومي لطيف للوجه. تعمل التركيبة المتقدمة بحمض الساليسيليك على إزالة الشوائب والدهون الزائدة بفعالية وتفتح المسام، مما يترك البشرة ناعمة. يساعد...
ريفويل واقي شمس للبشرة الدهنية والمختلطة بعامل حماية SPF 50+
يوفر حماية عالية جدًا من أشعة الشمس يوميًا ويساعد على منع البشرة من أضرار أشعة UVA وUVB. يعمل على ترطيب البشرة المعرضة للشوائب دون انسداد المسام أو ترك بقايا دهنية....
ريفويل سيروم بالنياسيناميد 15% 30 مل
سيروم ريفويل بالنياسيناميد 15% هو محلول قوي لتنقية البشرة وتنظيم إفراز الدهون. بفضل محتواه العالي من النياسيناميد، فإنه يستهدف بفعالية العيوب مثل البقع والمسام الواسعة وملمس البشرة الخشن ولون البشرة...